October 22, 2024

10 Questions To Ask A Prospective Contractor

4 min read
Prospective Contractor

It is your right as a consumer to ask contractors you may hire some qualifying questions.

These questions will help you decide if you want him to work on your property.

These questions are welcome at Arborwise Tree Service because we know that potential clients care about their property and the quality of the work done, not just the price.

What questions should you ask? These are the ten most common.

1. How long have you been in business?

Experience does matter. You can have peace of mind knowing that your contractor is capable of delivering the promised results. It is a big investment that you don’t want to leave to someone new.

2. Can I see your contractor license?

For contractors to be licensed in a state, there are strict requirements. Florida requires that you have a contractor license if you perform work worth more than $500.00 in labor/material. There are many types of licenses. Hire someone who has a license for Landscaping, C-27, if you need Tree Trimming, C-61/D49. Not only is their experience different but so is their insurance. Another thing to remember is that all forms of advertising (truck signs, cards, etc.) must carry the contractor’s number. Call the number on the business card that was left at your door or under your windshield wiper, and ask for the license number. Don’t let the “I’m sorry” spin of the person who answers the phone fool you.

3. Do you have a copy your Workers Compensation and Liability insurance?

Your property is protected from injury by liability insurance. Workers Compensation insurance covers you against injury to your property by a contractor. Ask prospective contractors for copies of both. You are responsible for insuring contractors who are not insured. Fernandez v. Lawson is a case study of the potential consequences of hiring uninsured contractors. Contractors working in a classification might not have the right insurance to cover the work they are doing. Although it is not something that anyone wants, an injury at the jobsite can be very frustrating. As the contractor, you should feel confident that everything is covered.

4. What is the duration of the job?

This is a question that most people don’t ask but must. Your contractor should make your job the main focus and work until it is completed. You should not delay the completion of your job because Mother Nature or another unforeseen problem may arise.

5. What is your payment plan?

A reputable contractor will not ask you to pay upfront for the job. Florida law says that a contractor cannot ask for more than 10% or $1000.00 of the job. If prior financial arrangements have not been made, full payment is due upon the completion of the job.

6. Who will you designate to do the work?

Expect consistency from your contractor when you have jobs that take longer than one day. Arborwise Tree Service only sends ISA-trained people to your job site. This is not someone you can pick up at your local hardware store.

7. How can I keep in touch with you?

It should be easy to stay in touch with your contractor today thanks to the internet. Communicate with your contractor by texting, email, phone calls, or face-to-face conversation.

8. How many hours will you work, what are the requirements and what preparations do I need?

You should ask your contractor to give you an estimate of when they will arrive. Crews with multiple jobs for the day will usually have the first job that is guaranteed to start. For weekdays, most cities have a noise ordinance of 7 AM.

It is your decision whether you want to stay or go. Tree trimming does not require homeowners to be present. However, if you have a unique bird bath that Great Aunt Gertrude gave you, or a prized ’57 Chevy your husband is restoring, be sure to bring them to the attention of your contractor.

9. What will my property look like after the day is over?

Professional contractors will make sure that your property is spotless at the end. Arborwise Tree Service will treat your property like it were our own.

10. What can you do to protect my property at work?

Crew members should inspect the property for any items that may need to be moved or secured before work begins. Before work begins, the crew should take photos of any damage and send them to the client. Do you remember Great Aunt Gertrude’s bird bath? The ’57 Chevy These items and others on the property will be moved/protected while work is being done. All plants, furniture, and patio furniture will have their covers on. Any windows that could be damaged or in danger will also be protected. The site should be as clean and tidy at the end of the job as it was when they arrived.

Arborwise Tree Services is a tree service pinellas county company that offers stump removal, tree pruning, stump grinding, fertilization, and tree restoration.

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